Gary Haugen of International Justice Mission was the first person that I heard speak about slave sex trafficking, bonded slave labor, and land theft from AIDS widows in Africa.  And he was also the first person I heard that challenged me to take up the cause of justice. It was after reading about the work of IJM and hearing Gary speak in 2002 that I made some important life decisions about getting involved.  There are a lot more organizations involved in this work now, and that’s a good thing.  But IJM pioneered a lot of what’s being done to fight oppression today, and they have been one of the biggest forces mobilizing churches to get out of the pews and into the fray. 

Visit IJM for more information about supporting their work for justice and getting involved in the fight against slavery and oppression.

  1. Carl says:

    Hi Ryan,

    Thanks for visiting the blog, and for commenting. Good luck on the company launch, it looks like a creative approach to help a number of worthy causes, as well as produce a US made product. I checked out the flip flops and they look great, and I like that they’re made with recyclable materials. I was going to order a pair of the child trafficking rescue flip flops for my daughter at college. She’s flip flop crazy and her school just had a series of presentations highlighting slavery and human trafficking! It looks as if I have to contribute several levels down before I get the package that includes the child trafficking rescue pair. Let me know what my options are to buy the child trafficking flip flops

    Thanks again!

  2. Ryan McNutt says:


    It’s exciting to see that so many are spreading awareness to this cause. I am reaching out to you to let you know about a company that I started called Healthy Souls Apparel . Each Flip Flop represents a cause and 20% goes to the cause. We have one for Child Rescue from Human Trafficking and donate 20% to Destiny Rescue. We are trying to get the word out so that people can support the cause and at the same time have a fun product that will also spread awareness . IS there a way you would be interested in sharing on your blog? We just launched a campaign where you can see our video and join the movement.